Tuesday, 21 January 2025

To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka 2013-2022


 To my dear friend, KANEKO Yutaka

We were always sitting at the right end of the classroom, where the seats were near the entrance from the corridor, so classmates entered the room with rattling noises. But we liked the seats rather satisfying. We were G class of the third year of the high school, which class was all hoped to go universities of the mathematical or science fields.

The seats were free to sit but almost determined by the personalities. Serious were sitting at the comparatively before widows sites. The seats were silent and easy to concentrate. We were also serious to the learning but liked the most bad seats that could not concentrate by the various noises for entering and out-going. 

KANEKO Yutaka and I first met at this class and became best friend. He probably hoped to go to chemistry and I was physics. He was very good at mathematics and I was ordinary at math. I sometimes asked him how to solve the hard quests of math. At that time he smiled to me and said, " there's any little paper? The problem can be written enough by such a little space."

Over the our seats, frequently flew to the end of the class where the trash can was set always filled with the calculate-papers for math and writing of English. The members of the class all were eager to solve math quests for preparing to entrance examinations to the universities. At the result they threw the used papers over us to the can. So around the can, the scraps were littered with. I was never tidy but I was the nearest one to the can, so I sometimes went to trash dump to clean the can.

After we graduated the high school,  he studied chemistry as planned at university. But I selected language study, not physics. I also liked  philosophical or linguistic fields for their long historical heritages. What I returned to the field related with physics was already over the year 30s. My research object was narrowed to language universals using mathematical writing or physical approach. 

After half a century, he died by disease in his researching way. I have learnt same theme on language using maths way not solving any quest from 1920s' Linguistic Circle of Prague. I dream that over my head still now vain calculate-papers are being thrown to the can behind us. If I ask him to help me for solving, he will say to me wanting tiny paper to write the answer concisely with his dear smiling as ever.

1. Language, amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 13 May 2013        
2. Clifford Algebra A trial for amalgamation of mathematics and physics / 20 April 2014
3. Reversion Conjecture Revised /1 May 2014                                              

22 May 2013 Text written
20 April 2014 Reference added
8 August 2014 Reference added   
13 June 2022 Text partly revised                                     
Sekinan Research Field of Language 

Read more: https://srfl-essay.webnode.com/news/to-my-dear-friend-kaneko-yutaka/

Verse Recalled Mountain Hut by RI Kohr. Translated by Google 2024


Verse Recalled

Mountain Hut
by RI Kohr

Selected Poems

Village Journey


When was the last time I visited here?
It is now near the end of summer, and once it was the end of autumn.
A misty rain was falling in that small hut.
I held my hands over the stove to dry my shoes.
Young me, all those who were young.
Ah, I have always wished for a scene like that day.
A bright fire, hot tea, and a hard chair.
If only those things could last.
I have thought many times that most of my life would have been fulfilled.
Until today.
It is a lively place I visited for the first time in a long time.
People's voices are coming and going, and corn is being sold outside.
It is difficult to think of the dark, gloomy sky of a long time ago.
It is not that my heart is troubled now, but the dark scenery of the past may be me.
But the stove burning red in the centre of it is infinitely nostalgic and dear.
My beloved, I walked from here.

Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" 2012


Prague in 1920s, The Linguistic Circle of Prague and Sergej Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique"

From Print 2012, Chapter 18

Non-symmetry. It was the very theme that I repeatedly talked on with C. Prague in 1920s. Karcevskij's paper "Du dualisme asymetrique du signe linguistique" that appeared in the magazine TCLP.  Absolutely contradicted coexistence between flexibility and solidity, which language keeps on maintaining, by which language continues existing as language.  Still now there will exist the everlasting dual contradiction in language. Why can language stay in such solid and such flexible condition like that. Karcevskij proposed the duality that is seemed to be almost absolute contradiction. Sergej Karcevskij's best of papers, for whom C called as the only genius in his last years' book Janua Linguisticae reserata 1994

Reference 2:
References 3:
Summer wood of Itsukaichi, Tokyo

Thursday, 16 January 2025

Stonesouth - New Blogger site of Sekinan Library 2022


 Blogger Stonesouth News 

Blogger Stonesouth News has uploaded for the important Essays and Papers of Sekinan Library from 30 May 2022.

Seki-nan means Stone and South in English and also means early summer flower name of Japan, which is called rhododendron in English. I love this flower. So named for the small library of research.

Cherry blossoms at Kunitachi, west city of Tokyo.
My wife especially loved this Cherry since her youth days.
Beautiful season will come soon in this year. 

17 January 2025


Abstract from Wellspring, Energy and Brownian Motion of Language 2008. Related Papers added 2020

Abstract from Wellspring, Energy and Brownian Motion of Language 2008. Related Papers added 2020

Abstract from Wellspring

From Orient, WANG Yinzhi lead me the meaning of word  especially by analysis of functional words in Chinese classics.
Jingzhuan shici is a compilation of his analysis by which I tried the concept of
positive and negative on the generation of word. The result is shown by early work Quantification of Quantum, from which the concepts of actual language and imaginary language are emerged. Early work of showing the concepts are Guarantee of LanguageMirror Language and Reversion Theory and the like.
ZHANG Bingling is the another peak of China.
Wenshi is the work I have tried to get understanding over and over again from my youth. My paper is tried as Energy of Language and Brown Motion as Language. Two papers are targeted to the energy inherent in language.


Quantification of Quantum


/Hanyu/ Chinese in English what is classified in isolating language by linguistic typology has characters in each which there are one syllable and one meaning in principle.
Here I assume that one Chinese character is a quantum of language which has a unit of one meaning.
 In Chinese language /shici/notional word in English is assumed a positive quantum which has a positive unit in general.
In Chinese language /xuci/ functional word in English is assumed a negative quantum which has a negative unit in general.
A positive quantum has a propelling energy, by which a quantum can go forward to a next quantum.
A negative quantum has an absorbing energy, by which a quantum can absorb, stop or change a next quantum.
When a positive quantum stands close by a negative quantum, it is forced to stop or to change own propelling course.
Summing up above mentioned, a quantum is the smallest unit of language.
A quantum appears to the language world for being requested to send a new meaning.
A quantum has an energy which maintains the position in the language world. If a quantum has not energy, a new meaning can never appears to the language world.
An energy is united to a meaning inseparably.
A quantum disappears from the language world being in the no used situation.
 /Bunot in English is originally meant a part of a flower. But this meaning disappears early days in the Chinese language. Later /bu/ is used as a functional word.
In Chinese language a notional word and a functional word is not clearly classified.
There are mutual extension and conversion in the Chinese language.
When a positive quantum ends a role of investing a notional meaning to the language world, an energy what a quantum has originally disappears.
Non-energy quantum is pressurized from other energetic positive quantum. As a consequence non-energy quantum accepts a negative energy internally. A negative quantum comes into existence.
A negative quantum has a negative energy, therefore a positive quantum is forced to stop or change the own propelling course.
Two or over two quantum form a new construction.
A positive quantum transfers a meaning to the next quantum.
A negative quantum stops or changes the propelling course of the front quantum.
In other words, a negative quantum accepts the energy of a front positive quantum.
A positive quantum propels on an orbit.
When a negative quantum changes an orbit of a positive quantum, new construction come into the language world.
 An orbit exists on a floor of multilayer construction.
A negative quantum changes the flour of a positive quantum to another floor.
A positive quantum propels on an orbit of a floor of a multilayer construction.
Therefore when a negative quantum stands at first on an orbit, a positive quantum is originally standing front of the first-standing negative quantum.
A negative quantum is assumed that it does not invent a meaning to the language world, but it leads a positive quantum to the own area that is vacant in non-energy situation.
A negative quantum newly has energy of absorption, which was born by the vacant and continually being pressured situation among the positive quanta.

Tokyo May 29, 2004
For the Memory of Hakuba August 23, 2003
Sekinan Research Field of Language

[References / January 29, 2008]

Property of Quantum /Tokyo May 21, 2004
Prague Theory / Tokyo October 2, 2004

Quantum Theory for Language Map
[Note for basis]
In this paper, on binary relations of , <notional word – functional word> and <positive quantum –negative quantum>, refer to the next.
Clifford Algebra / Note 7 / Creation Operator and Annihilation Operator / January 29, 2008

[Reference / December 22, 2008]

Reflection of Word / Sekinan.wiki.zoho.com

[Reference / January 1, 2009]

Orbit of Word / sekinan.wiki.zoho.com

[Reference / January 5, 2009]

Map between Words / sekinan.wiki. zoho.com

Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/quantification-of-quantum/

Energy Distance Theory 
Note 3
Energy and Functional
 TANAKA Akio  1
Riemannian manifold     (Mg) , (Nh)C∞ class map u : M → NTangent vector bundle of N     TNInduced vector bundle on M from TN     u-1TNTangent space of N     Tu(x)NCotangent vector bundle of M     TM* Map      du : → TM*⊗ u-1TN     Section     du ∈Γ(TM*⊗ u-1TN ) 2
Norm     |du| |du|2 =∑mi,j=1 ∑nαβ=1 gijhαβ(u)(δuα/δxi)( δuβ/δxj)
Energy density     e(u)(x) = 1/2  |du|2(x),  xMMeasure defined on from Riemannian metric g    μgEnergy     E(u) = ∫M e(u)dμg3is compact. Space of all u     . C∞(MN) Functional     E : C∞(MN) → R  
[Additional note] 1 Vector bundle TM*⊗ u-1TN is compared with word. 2 Map du is compared with one time of word. 3 Norm |du| is compared with distance of tome. 4 Energy E(u) compared with energy of word. 5 Functional E is compared with function of word.  
[Reference]Substantiality / Tokyo February 27, 2005Substantiality of Language / Tokyo February 21, 2006Stochastic Meaning Theory 4 / Energy of Language / Tokyo July 24, 2008 
Tokyo October 18Sekinan Research Field of Language 
Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/products/energy-distance-theory-note-3-energy-and-functional/


Preparation for the energy of language


The energy of language seems to be one of the most fundamental theme for the further step-up  study on language at the present for me. But the theme was hard to put on the mathematical description. Now I present some preparatory  papers written so far.

  1. Potential of Language / Floer Homology Language / 16 June 2009
  2. Homology structure of Word / Floer Homology Language / Tokyo June 16, 2009
  3. Amplitude of meaning minimum / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / 17 December 2008
  4. Time of Word / Complex Manifold Deformation Theory / 23 December 2008

3 April 2015
Sekinan Library

Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/preparation-for-the-energy-of-language1/


Language as Brown Motion




Abstractive space     Ω

σ additive family that consists of subset of Ω     F

Measure that is defined over F     P

P satisfies P (Ω ) = 1. 

P      probability measure over ( Ω, F )

Ω      sample space     

Ω, F , )     Probability space

Element of Ω     sample ω

Element of F     event A

Probability that event A occurs     probability P ( )

Real number valued Borel measurable function over Ω     random variable X = X ω )

Random variable is integrable.

Mean (Expectation) of X     E[X] = ∫Ω ω ) P (  )


Measurable space     ( S)

X : ( Ω, F ) → ( S)

X is measurable.

X      S-value random variable.

Random variable     X1, …, Xd

X : = (X1, …, Xd )     Rd-value random variable


Rd-value random variable     X

E[X i 2] < ∞

E[(X - E[X])2]     variance


S-value random variable.     X

PX : = P ( X ∈A ), AS     distribution


Real number space     R

Borel set family over R    ( R )

Probability measure over ( R, ( R ) )     μ


Rd-value random variable     X

ψX (ξ ) : = E[eiξ・X], ξ∈Rd     characteristic function


Lebesgue measure     dx

Mean     m∈R

Variance     v >0

Measure over R     μ dx ) = -(x-m)2 / 2v dx /     Gauss distribution ( normal distribution)


(2p – 1 ) !! : = (2p – 1 ) ・(2p – 3 ) … 3・1

E[X2p] = (2p – 1 ) !! p     moment of X


Event     ABF

When (AB) = P(A) P(B), A and B are independent each other.


Integrable and independent random variable     XY

Product XY     integrable

E[XY] = E[X]E[Y]


Time     t

∈[0, ∞)

Family of Rd-value random variable ≥    X = ( Xt ) t  0     d-dimensional stochastic process


When X(ω) is continuous as function of t.d-dimensional stochastic process is called to be continuous.


σ additive family     Ft

F ⊂F

0 ≤ s ≤ t

F s  Ft

(Ft  ) = (Ft  ) t  0   increase information system


d-dimensional stochastic process     X = ( Xt ) t  0    

t ≥ 0

XΩ → Rd  is F– measurable.

X = ( Xt ) t  0 is (F) – adapted.


Mapping ( tω) ∈([0, ∞)×ΩB([0, ∞)]×F) ↦ Xt ( ω) ∈( Rd( Rd ) )

When the mapping is measurable, X = ( Xt ) t  0  is called to be measurable.


X = ( Xt )

FtFt0,X : = σ XS st )


Probability space      ( Ω, F , )    

Stochastic process defined over  ( Ω, F , )      (Bt)≥ = (Bt(ω)) ≥ 0

(Bt)≥ that satisfies the next, it is called Brownian motion.

(i) P ( B0 = 0  ) = 1

(ii) For ∀ωΩBt (ω) is continuous on t.

(iii) For 0 = t0<∀t1<…<tn, ∀n∈N, {Bti-Bti-1} satisfies the next.

a) {Bti-Bti-1} are independent each other.

b) {Bti-Bti-1} are followed by mean 0 and variance ti-ti-1 of Gauss distribution.


(Existence theorem)

Over adequate probability space, there exists Brownian motion.


Ω = W0

F = B ( W0 )

Brownian motion has the next.

(i)Bt ( ) = Wt

(ii) = ( wt ) 0 ∈0

Measure over ( W0, B ( W) )      P

P is called Wiener measure.


d-dimensional Brownian motion     B = ( Bt ) t  0

d×d orthogonal matrix     A

ABt     d-dimensional Brownian motion

Sphere     S : = δ B (0, r),  B (0, r) = {|x| ≤ r }

Hitting time     σS (ω) : = inf{t >0; BS }

Hitting place    BσS (ω)

Distribution of BσS (ω)      uniform stochastic measure


d-dimensional Brownian motion     B = ( Bt ) t  0


Brownian motion from x     ( x + Bt ) t  0

 d = B ( W d )

Space     (d, W d )

Distribution over  (d, W d )     Px

Mean on Px     Ex [ ・ ]

Probability space     (d, W d , P)

Stochastic process over (d, W d , P)    Bt ( w ), wBt ( w ) = wt

Sub σ additive family of W d     Ft=σ (Bs ; s) , Ft = Ft Nt≥0 ; N : = {N∈W d ; Px (N) = 0, ∀x ∈Rd }

Ft* = Ft+ : = ∩s>Fs

Shift operator over d     θs : → s≥0 ; (θs (w) ) t : = wt+s

Bt ∘  θ = Bt+s


(Markov property)



Y (w) : d –measurable bounded function over d

Ex[Yθ・1A] = Ex[EBs(w)[Y]∘θ・1A] , ∀AF s

By conditional mean

Ex[YθFs] (w) = EBs(w)[Y



(Blumenthal’s 0-1 law)

When A∈F0 ( = F0* ), Px (A) = 0 or 1


Random variant of 1-dimensional Brownian motion starting from the origin     B

σ (0,: = inf {t >0; Bt∈(0,∞) }

= {σ(0,= 0 }


(σ(0,= 0 ) = 0 or 1


P (σ(0,= 0 ) = 1

From symmetry of Brownian motion Bt = -Bt



Language that has Brownian motion     LB

Lhas actual language and imaginary language.



Mirror Theory For the Structure of Prayer / Dedicated to the Memory of CHINO Eiichi / Tokyo June 5, 2004

Mirror Language / Tokyo June 10, 2004

Guarantee of Language / For LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude / Tokyo June 12, 2004

Actual Language and Imaginary Language / To LÉVI-STRAUSS Claude / Tokyo September 23, 2004



To be continued
Tokyo August 12, 2008

Read more: https://srfl-paper.webnode.com/news/stochastic-meaning-theory-5-language-as-brown-motion/